Rhea conducted an Environmental Screening over a large area with an extensive industrial history, using a diverse set of publicly available environmental resources to identify areas of potential risk.

Environmental Screening for Planned Water Infrastructure Improvements

Rhea performed an Environmental Screening across a fifteen-mile corridor where substantial improvements to water infrastructure are planned. These improvements will include deep-tunnel interceptors situated parallel to rivers, as well as supplemental conveyance lines, drop shafts, and regulators, mostly in heavily industrialized areas.

Rhea conducted a large-scale review of potential hazards within the project area, focusing on areas where intrusive activity is more likely to encounter subsurface contaminants. Rhea personnel assessed recorded hazards in a variety of publicly available databases and used georeferenced historic maps to determine where the effects of past industry may present ongoing risks.

In total, Rhea’s geologists and GIS specialists worked together to create detailed environmental findings maps of more than 20 focus areas to identify and rank potential environmental concerns. Our team created adaptable GIS products for our client to use in their own planning and construction.

Services: Environmental Services , Water Resources Engineering , Land Surveying + Mapping

Industries: Energy + Utilities